Historien om Kuboraum

The story of Kuboraum

by Mathias Stering on Sep 07, 2022

KUBORAUM was created in Berlin in 2012 by an Italian trio consisting of the sculptor Livio Graziottin, the anthropologist Sergio Eusebi, and the engineer Antonio Pincin. KUBORAUM is the German word for cubic room. The word may sound strict, conservative and isolating, but the brand's identity and DNA are the exact opposite of that. The brand has become synonymous with something extreme and unique in a usually classy industry. Livio, Sergio and Antonio refer to their spectacle frames for masks. Historically, masks have been associated with threats, games and games. KUBORAUM's masks contribute with accentuation, protection and security for their users. But the most important thing is never the masks themselves, but everything about the individual. Each person himself should come to life, highlight personality and emphasize his own character.

KUBORAUM was founded in an old post office on the border between East and West Berlin. Today, this location remains the focal point of the brand's creativity, serving as a studio, showroom and flagship store. Berlin plays a big role in the company's inspiration and development as the city is an island. Berlin is not Germany, not Europe. In Berlin there is room for the individual to develop, a sense of freedom. It is a place where everything and everyone is different and does not look down on differences.

The brand revolves around stories, travel and creative tripping. Livio Graziottin, the brand's designer, often travels around the world and meets cultures, tribes and artisans. That is why in the craft you will find old traditional manufacturing techniques mixed with aesthetics where antiquity meets the futuristic. Livio loves experimenting with the masks, hammering and even burning the surface texture. These processes not only make the bow unique of its kind, but also bring out defective beauties in the form of scars. Just like on us humans. It helps those who wear KOBURAUM's masks to embrace the inner storm and harmony within.

Their slogan, "Dreamed in Berlin, made in Italy", describes how the masks pulsate with German inspiration, mixed with the high-quality craftsmanship of the Italians. For KUBORAUM, it is just as important to dance between the functional and the aesthetically abstract as it is to deliver frames of exceptional quality. The masks are carved from the best materials that originate in their native Italy.

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