Why should you do an eye examination?
We can explain to you how you will know that you are in need of an examination of your eyes, then also explain what an eye examination actually is, why it is important to do the eye test, and how it is done.

How do I know if I have poor vision and need eyewear?
Many people who start having problems with their vision and eyes often wait too long before doing something about it. A person who has never worn glasses or even had an eye examination usually does not know when the vision started to change. Vision defects can sneak up on us very slowly, often so slowly that we did not perceive that the vision had deteriorated but took the whole thing as a new normal state.
According to various surveys, today approximately 50% of all Swedes need glasses or contact lenses. There will also be more given all the screen time we have. Deteriorating vision is inevitable as you get older just like your body becomes physically weaker, and there is nothing strange about that.
Common symptoms related to impaired vision:
• Headaches more often
• Sees smaller letters worse
• Feeling tired more often
• Need to hold an object or text a little further away from you
• Sometimes sees blurry or loses focus on objects
• The eyes sting or feel dry
• The eyes get tired easily from driving in the dark
• Blinking or squinting more often when watching TV
• May see double or experience small shadows around objects
Your life should be simple and comfortable, you should feel as energetic and happy as possible. If you experience doubts about your vision, book an appointment for an examination.
What is an eye examination?
An eye examination means that an optician performs an examination of your eyes to check how your vision works and the health of your eyes. The opticians examine and measure how well you see both near and far, as well as how well the interaction between your two eyes works, as well as talk and find a solution to any problems you have experienced that have to do with your vision.
There are several examinations you can do that have to do with your vision. The most common examination, and the one you should usually start with, is a regular eye examination, in addition to that you can have an eye health examination and a contact lens examination.
Why do I need to have an eye examination?
For the same reason that you seek medical attention when you are sick, or go to the naprapath with back pain, you should have an eye examination by an optician or ophthalmologist when you experience problems or symptoms related to impaired vision.
In addition to simply examining whether you need vision correction, i.e. glasses or contact lenses, we can detect whether you have signs of any eye disease. Having regular checkups for your vision and eye health is the best way for you to take good care of your vision and eyes.
How is an eye examination performed?
Different types of research are done in different ways. However, the most common is an eye examination, it is this examination that is the basis for all other examinations. In addition, we can add further investigations if we see, or if you have experienced, other problems.
If you have never had an examination before, we recommend that you start with a regular eye examination.
This is what we do during an eye examination:
• Refraction - Involves, among other things, control of vision errors at far and near, as well as interaction of the eyes and other eye-related problems.
• Fundus photography - ensures that you have no signs of eye diseases.
• Discusses your possible vision correction needs, such as; reading glasses, progressive glasses, lenses (day lenses or night lenses) or sunglasses with strength.
• Produces a prescription for your specific visual impairment.
When should I start doing eye examinations,
or how often should I make return visits?
There is no age that says when you should have your first eye examination. Vision changes individually, and if you experience symptoms related to impaired vision, you should of course make an appointment.
If you wear glasses or contact lenses, we recommend that you have eye examinations every other year so that we can make the necessary vision corrections for your glasses or lenses.