Historien om KameManNen

The story of KameManNen

by Mathias Stering on Sep 07, 2022

Producing eyeglass frames in the small town of Sabae in Fukui, located along the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, has become synonymous with a product of the absolute highest imaginable quality. The majority of the world's most exclusive brands have chosen to place their manufacturing right here because of the craftsmanship, experience and technical innovation that has been developed and passed down from generation to generation among the area's craftsmen. Japanese KAMEMANNEN, which is one of the world's oldest brands in the optical industry, was founded precisely in Sabae back in 1917 and has been highly involved in the development of this Japanese craft.

The name KameManNen is Japanese for the words "turtle" and "ten thousand years", and comes from the Japanese proverb, "A crane lives a thousand years, a turtle ten thousand years", which was founder Kikujiro Kimura's vision for the durability of his bows. The effort to continue producing bows of the absolute highest imaginable quality has always been a priority for us. In 1981, KameManNen became the first in the world to use Japanese titanium in its frames, which has become one of the world's most sought-after materials to, partially or exclusively, produce spectacle frames in as titanium is the world's most durable material in terms of density, and is, for example, three times stronger, and 40% lighter than steel. The material is extremely flexible and helps to adjust the frames to a perfect individual fit.

The design of KameManNen's frames has never been influenced by fashion or current trends. The quality and the timeless, subtle, Japanese beauty have always been prioritized as Kimura's vision from the beginning was always to leave behind a durable product that will be loved for a long time. Distances of the components to the thickness of metal and ion plating are measured to micrometer accuracy to achieve perfection. Striving for the highest possible quality that can be achieved without compromise is the very essence of KameManNen and the brand's identity.

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